The Thinkers: The Rise of...
E J Fagan
Buy from $38.34
Cities of Knowledge: Cold War...
Margaret O'Mara
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Design for Impact: Your Guide...
Erin Weigel,
Stuart Frisby (Foreword by)
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Who Got Einstein's Office?:...
Edward Regis
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The National Security...
Harvey Rishikof (Editor),
Roger Z George (Editor)
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A Guide to Smithsonian...
Heather Ewing,
Amy Ballard
Buy from $14.92
The National Security...
Roger Z George (Contributions by),
Harvey Rishikof (Contributions by)
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Salk Institute: Louis I.Kahn
James Steele
Buy from $52.72
What Should Think Tanks Do?:...
Andrew Dan Selee
Buy from $8.33
Visualizing Empire: Africa,...
Rebecca Peabody (Editor),
Steven Nelson (Editor)
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Salk Institute: La Jolla 1959...
James Steele
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Mark Sable
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Arts and Minds: How the Royal...
Anton Howes
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Star Trek: The Original...
Greg Cox
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Star Trek: The Original...
Greg Cox
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Rationalizing Culture: Ircam,...
Georgina Born
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Research Universities and the...
Jason Owen-Smith
Buy from $13.00
Global Think Tanks: Policy...
James G McGann,
Laura C Whelan
Buy from $46.71
A Guide to Smithsonian...
Heather Ewing,
Amy Ballard
Buy from $6.99
The Trudeau Vector
Juris Jurjevics
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Strategic Management of...
William Barletta
Buy from $27.11
Delivering the...
Great Britain: National Audit Office
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Unethical: A Psychological...
Marla L Anderson
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