Stochastic Geometric Analysis...
Ovidiu Calin
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Tensor Analysis for Engineers...
Mehrzad Tabatabaian
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Vector Geometry
Gilbert De Beauregard Robinson
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Vector Calculus, Linear...
John H Hubbard,
Barbara Burke Hubbard
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Introduction to Vectors and...
Dr. Ray M Bowen (Editor),
C C Wang (Editor)
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Representations of *-Algebras...
J M G Fell (Editor),
R S Doran (Editor)
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eBook from $72.95
Linear Functional Analysis
Joan Cerda
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Sensorless Vector and Direct...
Peter Vas
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Foundations of Potential...
O D Kellogg (Oliver Dimon) B 1878 (Creator)
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Theory of Holors
Parry Hiram Moon,
Domina Eberle Spencer
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Vector Calculus
Susan Colley
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Spinors and Calibrations
F Reese Harvey
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eBook from $72.95
Nonlinear Oscillations,...
John Guckenheimer,
Philip Holmes
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Point-Set Topology with...
Robert Andre
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eBook from $75.00
Vectors & Tensors in...
Donald Sands
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Multivariate Statistics: A...
Morris L Eaton
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Functional Analysis: Theory...
Robert E. Edwards
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Vectors, Tensors and the...
Rutherford Aris
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First Course in Stochastic...
Samuel Karlin,
H.M. Taylor
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Vector Analysis and Cartesian...
Krishnamurty Karamcheti
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Partial Differential...
George F Carrier,
Carl E Pearson
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Generalized Vector and Dyadic...
Tai Chen-To,
Chen-To Tai
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Vector Calculus, Linear...
John H Hubbard
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