Tacit and Ambiguous Resources...
V Ambrosini
Buy new from $88.39
Intangible Assets
John Hand (Editor),
Baruch Lev (Editor)
Buy new from $95.75
Why the Bottom Line Isn't!:...
David Ulrich,
Norm Smallwood
Buy new from $79.64
Intangible Assets
John Hand (Editor),
Baruch Lev (Editor)
Buy new from $344.98
Tacit and Ambiguous Resources...
V Ambrosini
Buy new from $109.70
The Management of Intangibles...
Ahmed Bounfour
Buy new from $187.49
Building Strong Brands
David A. Aaker
Buy new from $105.64
Intangible Management: Tools...
Ken Standfield,
Andrew Torre
Buy new from $97.91
Real Options: Evaluating...
Sydney Howell,
Sidney Howell
Buy new from $42.98
Intangibles: Management,...
Baruch Lev
Buy new from $33.83
Valuation of Intangible...
Farok J Contractor (Editor)
Buy new from $57.10
Weightless Wealth: Find Your...
Daniel Andriessen,
Rene Tissen
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Entrepreneurial Competition...
Michael Peneder
Buy new from $125.42
Valuation of Intellectual...
Gordon V Smith,
Russell L Parr
Buy new from $124.63
Valuation of Intellectual...
Gordon V Smith,
Russell L Parr
Buy new from $185.15
Intangible Assets in Germany...
Anat Blodinger
Buy new from $61.20
Valuing Intangible Assets
Robert F Reilly,
Robert P Schweihs
Buy new from $90.46
The New Organizational Wealth...
Karl Erik Sveiby
Buy new from $81.15
Building Strong Brands
David A Aaker
Buy new from $17.97
Transfer Pricing and...
Dr. Elizabeth King
Buy new from $168.69
Managing Brand Equity:...
David A Aaker
Buy new from $28.93
Immaterielle Anlagewerte in...
Manfred Eibelshäuser
Buy new from $63.34
Investing in Intangible...
Russell L Parr
Buy new from $42.96