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Erotica Books

Dive into the spicier end of fiction with erotica books. From classics of the genre like Fifty Shades of Grey to the latest releases with more diversity than ever, erotic fiction turns up the heat with desire, passion, and sexy scenes that will keep you flipping the pages.

Best-selling Erotica titles

The Devil Who Tamed Her The Devil Who Tamed Her

Johanna Lindsey, Laural Merlington (Read by)
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The Devil Who Tamed Her The Devil Who Tamed Her

Johanna Lindsey, Laural Merlington (Read by)
Buy from $11.48

The Devil Who Tamed Her The Devil Who Tamed Her

Johanna Lindsey, Laural Merlington (Read by)
Buy from $13.95

The Devil Who Tamed Her The Devil Who Tamed Her

Johanna Lindsey, Laural Merlington (Read by)
Buy from $27.95

Sock It to Me: The Sex Chronicles Sock It to Me: The Sex...

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Best Transgender Erotica Best Transgender Erotica

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False Dawn False Dawn

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Herotica 3 Herotica 3

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Damage Damage

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Lisa Palac
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The Erotic Edge The Erotic Edge

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The Carnal Prayer Mat The Carnal Prayer Mat

Li Yu
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Valentine Valentine

Emilie Paris, Kathleen Mary Butler (Narrator)
Buy from $7.48

Herotica Herotica

Susie Bright (Editor)
Buy from $20.79

After Innocence After Innocence

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Buy from $11.90

Beauty's Release Beauty's Release

Professor Anne Rice, Elizabeth Montgomery (Read by)
Buy from $17.99

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty The Claiming of Sleeping...

Professor Anne Rice, A N Roquelaure
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Captive Bride Captive Bride

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Belinda Belinda

Professor Anne Rice
Buy from $10.79

The Laughter of Dead Kings The Laughter of Dead Kings

Elizabeth Peters
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Herotica 5 Herotica 5

Marcy Sheiner (Editor)
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A Woman of Independent Means A Woman of Independent Means

Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey
Buy from $6.51

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Erotica focuses on sexual themes and storytelling, all written to arouse the reader. Erotic literature focuses on the sexual relationship between the characters as opposed to the actual romance. In erotic books, the bulk of the content contains sexual scenes between the characters, while the plot or character development outside of their sexual relationship is limited. Additionally, erotic novels may or may not have a happily ever after, whereas that's always guaranteed in romance or fantasy romance books.

Yes. There is a difference between erotica and erotic romance. Erotica focuses primarily on sexual content and personal journeys of the characters. In comparison, erotic romance includes similar elements but emphasizes the development of a romantic relationship like traditional romance books, which ultimately leads to more than one happy ending.

Some common subgenres within the erotica category are:

  • BDSM: This subgenre brings in bondage, discipline, dominance and submission, and sadism with a masochistic cherry on top.
  • Historical erotica: Historical erotica takes the reader back in time. This can be anything from Regency erotica or Highlander-themed stories.
  • LGBTQ+ erotica: LGBTQ+ erotica features queer couples and relationship dynamics.
  • Paranormal erotica: Incorporates fantasy and supernatural elements, like ghosts, monsters, and more.
  • Erotic Horror: This subgenre blends erotica elements with horror. This isn't for everyone, but horror lovers who like their books steamy will appreciate it.

Finding the right erotica books for you doesn't have to be a difficult task. It can be as simple as looking for books with themes you already enjoy, and then finding a sub-genre of erotica that corresponds. But know that you aren't alone in your search.

We make it easy to find exactly what you are looking for. We've categorized our erotic literature selection by the most popular subgenres, from lesbian to historical. Use our sidebar to sort through our selection quickly.

With our vast selection of erotic fiction, you'll have an easy time finding sensual reads you won't be able to put down, no matter where your tastes lie.

Trying to find new erotic authors and titles? Let us help you. With Alibris, searching is easy. Use the filter on the left sidebar of our page, and let your next book choose you. Not only can you find new erotic authors and titles, but you can even go straight to bestsellers, which can help you find some of the most popular erotica authors. Usually, they're best sellers for a good reason.

Want to find the most recent erotica novels and modern takes on the genre? Make sure to check out the new releases.

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