Delft Blue to Denim Blue:...
Anneke Smelik (Editor)
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Handbook of Shoe Factory...
United Shoe Machinery Co
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Boots & Shoes
C M Henderson
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Notes on the Purchase,...
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Dress and Care of the Feet;...
J L Peck
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The Fundamentals of Digital...
Clare Harris
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Social Psychology of Dress:...
Sharron J Lennon,
Kim K P Johnson
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The Geographies of Fashion:...
Louise Crewe,
Joanne B Eicher (Editor)
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Construction for Fashion...
Professor Anette Fischer,
Kiran Gobin
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Critical Fashion Practice:...
Adam Geczy,
Vicki Karaminas
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John Hopkins
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Designing a Knitwear...
Lisa Donofrio-Ferrezza,
Sonia Rykiel (Foreword by)
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Fashion and Everyday Life:...
Cheryl Buckley,
Dr. Hazel Clark
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Experimental Fashion:...
Professor Francesca Granata
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Business Models and ICT...
Rinaldo Rinaldi (Editor),
Romeo Bandinelli (Editor)
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Fashion Fibers: Designing for...
Annie Gullingsrud
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The Cult of Chiffon: An...
Mrs. Marian Elizabeth Pritchard
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Fashion Buying: From Trend...
David Shaw,
Dimitri Koumbis
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Fashion Flats and Technical...
Bina Abling,
Felice Dacosta
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Fashioning Memory: Vintage...
Heike Jenss,
Joanne B Eicher (Editor)
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Patternmaking for Jacket and...
Pamela Vanderlinde
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Philosophical Perspectives on...
Giovanni Matteucci (Editor),
Stefano Marino (Editor)
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Fiona Anderson
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Street Fashion Moscow
Elena Siemens
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eBook from $67.20