Simulation and Modeling:...
Asim El Sheikh (Editor),
Abid Thyab Al Ajeeli (Editor)
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Internet Information Server 4...
Allen L Wyatt,
Garrett Pease
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Java Structures
Duane Bailey
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Mapping and Spatial Modelling...
Louis F Pau (Editor)
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Generic Programming: Ifip Tc2...
Jeremy Gibbons (Editor),
Johan Jeuring (Editor)
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eBook from $29.70
Biomat 2009 - International...
Rubem P Mondaini (Editor)
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eBook from $75.00
Sensors for Environmental...
Pietro Siciliano (Editor)
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eBook from $77.00
Systems Analysis and Design...
Akhilesh Bajaj (Editor),
Stanislaw Wrycza (Editor)
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Operational Oceanography:...
N C Flemming (Editor),
S Vallerga (Editor)
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eBook from $255.00
Modeling Complex Data for...
Jacques-Emile DuBois (Editor),
Nahum Gershon (Editor)
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Noise and Fluctuations: 18th...
Toms Gonzalez (Editor),
Tomas Gonzalez (Editor)
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Data Structures with ADA
Michael B Feldman
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Distributed and Multi...
Angelo R Bobak
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Parallel Computational Fluid...
Professor J Periaux (Editor),
D Emerson (Editor)
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eBook from $365.00
Mapping and Spatial Modelling...
L F Pau
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