Psychological and Biological...
Nancy L Stein (Editor),
Bennett Leventhal (Editor)
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Words That Heal
Douglas Bloch
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William N Morris,
Paula P Schnurr
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New Directions in Affective...
Dr. Bernard Lerer (Editor),
Samuel Gershon, M.D. (Editor)
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Rapid Relief from Emotional...
Gary Emery, PhD, PH D,
James Campbell
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From Sad to Glad
Nathan S Kline, M.D.
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Wounded Healers: Mental...
Vicky Rippere (Editor),
Ruth Williams (Editor)
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Wounded Healers: Mental...
Vicky Rippere (Editor),
Ruth Williams (Editor)
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Mood Disorders: Toward a New...
Peter C Whybrow, MD, M D,
Hagop S Akiskal, PhD (Photographer)
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Prevention in Mental Health
Henri Parens
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Life on Roll Coaster
Dr. Ekkehard Othmer, Ph.D.,
Dr. Sieglinde C Othmer, Ph.D.
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Residential Treatment: A...
Vera Fahlberg (Editor)
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Light Book
Jane Wegscheider Hyman,
Michael Terman, PH.D. (Foreword by)
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The Psychology of Shame:...
Gershen Kaufman
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Seasons of the Mind: Why You...
Norman E Rosenthal, MD
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Jealousy: Theory, Research,...
Dr. Paul E Mullen,
Gregory White
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Treatment of Childhood...
Eric J Mash, PhD (Editor),
Russell A Barkley, PhD, Abpp (Editor)
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Rapid Relief from Emotional...
Gary Emery, PhD, PH D,
James Campbell
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From Sad to Glad
Nathan S Kline, M.D.
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Psychodynamic Understanding...
Wilard Gaylin
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