The plot revolves around four characters: Othello, a Moor general in the Venetian army, his wife, Desdemona, his lieutenant, Cassio, and his most trusted advisor Iago. Because of its diverse subject, namely love, jealousy, racism and betrayal, Othello remains relevant and valid even today.
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The plot revolves around four characters: Othello, a Moor general in the Venetian army, his wife, Desdemona, his lieutenant, Cassio, and his most trusted advisor Iago. Because of its diverse subject, namely love, jealousy, racism and betrayal, Othello remains relevant and valid even today.
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Like new quality paperback.
No marking or highlighting.
Outer jacket was like new.
Oct 12, 2007
I don't know why more people don't read this play. Shakespeare's other plays seem more admired, but "Othello" has a pretty smart and complex plot. The jealousy theme works well here. Desdemona, Iago, and Othello are all rich characters. They are interesting to read. Here the soap opera element works, because the characters are interesting.