Zane Frederick
Zane Frederick resides in his hometown of Phoenix, Arizona and has been navigating his way through his twenties and winging it. His newest collection, Itch , consists of two years' worth of grief, resentment, forgiveness, and self-reflection. These poems were a way for him to fully heal from the wounds that remained open. Zane is still writing and cautiously experiencing while making the most of his youth. Catch up with him at @zanefrederickwrites.
Zane Frederick resides in his hometown of Phoenix, Arizona and has been navigating his way through his twenties and winging it. His newest collection, Itch , consists of two years' worth of grief, resentment, forgiveness, and self-reflection. These poems were a way for him to fully heal from the wounds that remained open. Zane is still writing and cautiously experiencing while making the most of his youth. Catch up with him at @zanefrederickwrites. See less
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