1. A Digest of the General Statute Laws of the State of Texas: to Which Are Subjoined the Repealed Laws of the Republic and State of Texas, By, Through, Or Under Which Rights Have Accrued; Also, the Colonization Laws of Mexico, Coahuila and Texas, Which...
by Williamson S. Oldham And George W. White
Seller Description: First edition, the third compilation of Texas laws, and the final compilation published before the Civil War, making the addenda of particular relevance: “The following act was accidentally overlooked in the preparation, ‘An Act to Encourage the Reclamation of Slaves, Escaping beyond the Limits of the Slave Territories of the United States. '” 8vo. iv, 836, (1), (1, addenda) pp. Tipped to the front pastedown is a one-page manuscript note describing Texas Land Measurement (vara, acre, league, ... See More Details
1859, Published by Authority of the Legislature by John Marshall & Co. at the...
Chevy Chase, MD, USA