Tonino Griffero
Tonino Griffero is Full Professor of Aesthetics at the Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy. In the past decade, he has authored Atmospheres: Aesthetics of Emotional Spaces (Routledge), Quasi-Things: The Paradigm of Atmospheres (Suny), Places, Affordances, Atmospheres: A Pathic Aesthetics (Routledge), and The Atmospheric 'We': Moods and Collective Feelings (Mimesis International).
Tonino Griffero is Full Professor of Aesthetics at the Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy. In the past decade, he has authored Atmospheres: Aesthetics of Emotional Spaces (Routledge), Quasi-Things: The Paradigm of Atmospheres (Suny), Places, Affordances, Atmospheres: A Pathic Aesthetics (Routledge), and The Atmospheric 'We': Moods and Collective Feelings (Mimesis International). See less