Tim Spector
Tim Spector , MD, is professor of epidemiology at King's College London. He is the bestselling author of The Diet Myth , Spoon-Fed, and Food for Life, and scientific co-founder of ZOE, the nutrition science company. With a focus on cutting-edge science and honored with an OBE for his impactful work in fighting the pandemic, Tim stands at the forefront of his field. The original pioneer of microbiome research, he is among the top 100 most cited scientists in the world.
Tim Spector , MD, is professor of epidemiology at King's College London. He is the bestselling author of The Diet Myth , Spoon-Fed, and Food for Life, and scientific co-founder of ZOE, the nutrition science company. With a focus on cutting-edge science and honored with an OBE for his impactful work in fighting the pandemic, Tim stands at the forefront of his field. The original pioneer of microbiome research, he is among the top 100 most cited scientists in the world. See less