Thomas A Howe
Thomas A. Howe is Professor of Bible and Biblical Languages at Southern Evangelical Seminary in Matthews, North Carolina. His interests focus on hermeneutics, philosophy of language, and philosophy of religion. He is author of Daniel in the Preterists' Den (2008), coauthor with Norman L. Geisler of The Big Book of Bible Difficulties (2008), and author of What the Bible Really Says? Breaking the Apocalypse Code , due to be published in 2008.
Thomas A. Howe is Professor of Bible and Biblical Languages at Southern Evangelical Seminary in Matthews, North Carolina. His interests focus on hermeneutics, philosophy of language, and philosophy of religion. He is author of Daniel in the Preterists' Den (2008), coauthor with Norman L. Geisler of The Big Book of Bible Difficulties (2008), and author of What the Bible Really Says? Breaking the Apocalypse Code , due to be published in 2008. See less