Theo Fennell
Theo Fennell was born in Moascar, Egypt, where British soldiers were garrisoned along the Suez Canal. The son of an army family, he spent his early years all over the world. He was sent to boarding school at five, then to Eton, York College of Art, followed by the Byam Shaw School of Art. He is a leading British jewellery and silverware designer. He lives in London with his wife, Louise, an author. The couple have two daughters, Emerald, a writer, actor and director, and Coco, a dress designer.
Theo Fennell was born in Moascar, Egypt, where British soldiers were garrisoned along the Suez Canal. The son of an army family, he spent his early years all over the world. He was sent to boarding school at five, then to Eton, York College of Art, followed by the Byam Shaw School of Art. He is a leading British jewellery and silverware designer. He lives in London with his wife, Louise, an author. The couple have two daughters, Emerald, a writer, actor and director, and Coco, a dress designer. See less