Susan Fiebig
Susan Fiebig resides in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. She is a collagist, writer, business owner, and Bloody Mary connoisseur. Fiebig spent over 20 years taste-testing Bloody Marys throughout the US and has determined that Wisconsin restaurateurs present the best tasting and most unique presentations of this iconic cocktail. Her guide explains the history behind the Bloody Mary and how it became the state's favorite "any time of the day" beverage.
Susan Fiebig resides in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. She is a collagist, writer, business owner, and Bloody Mary connoisseur. Fiebig spent over 20 years taste-testing Bloody Marys throughout the US and has determined that Wisconsin restaurateurs present the best tasting and most unique presentations of this iconic cocktail. Her guide explains the history behind the Bloody Mary and how it became the state's favorite "any time of the day" beverage. See less
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