Stephanie Green
Stephanie Green is Adjunct Senior Lecturer at Griffith University, Australia. She co-edited Hospitality, Rape and Consent in Vampire Popular Culture (2017) with Agnieszka Stasiewicz-Bienkowska and David Baker and co-produced several special issues. Her most research publications include, 'Violence and the Gothic New Woman in Penny Dreadful , FULGOR 6.3 (2021) and 'Playing at Being a Superhero', Imagining the Impossible 1.1 (2022).
Stephanie Green is Adjunct Senior Lecturer at Griffith University, Australia. She co-edited Hospitality, Rape and Consent in Vampire Popular Culture (2017) with Agnieszka Stasiewicz-Bienkowska and David Baker and co-produced several special issues. Her most research publications include, 'Violence and the Gothic New Woman in Penny Dreadful , FULGOR 6.3 (2021) and 'Playing at Being a Superhero', Imagining the Impossible 1.1 (2022). See less