Stan hails from Fiji Islands, a group of 300 Islands in the South Pacific. He acquired his academic qualifications from Fiji, Singapore and Great Britain. Stan has been writing mainly for magazines, newspapers and social media and this is his first major debut in writing novels. He has lived amongst people of various ethnicities and has experienced the changes they have embraced esp. as migrants in other western countries. In this novel he has tried to expose some of those changes and the...See more
Stan hails from Fiji Islands, a group of 300 Islands in the South Pacific. He acquired his academic qualifications from Fiji, Singapore and Great Britain. Stan has been writing mainly for magazines, newspapers and social media and this is his first major debut in writing novels. He has lived amongst people of various ethnicities and has experienced the changes they have embraced esp. as migrants in other western countries. In this novel he has tried to expose some of those changes and the constraints people have diffusing into a culture foreign to them. See less