Sravaniya Dipecoraro
Sravaniya DiPecoraro has a knack for simplifying esoteric subjects and making them more accessible to the inquisitive seeker. Illuminated with anecdotes and examples from decades of work, Sravaniya shares her extensive study and experience with her readers and brings the incomprehensible within reach. A disciple of Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (1971), Sravaniya has been an astrological and psychic consultant since 1992 and her clients include people from all walks of life and...See more
Sravaniya DiPecoraro has a knack for simplifying esoteric subjects and making them more accessible to the inquisitive seeker. Illuminated with anecdotes and examples from decades of work, Sravaniya shares her extensive study and experience with her readers and brings the incomprehensible within reach. A disciple of Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (1971), Sravaniya has been an astrological and psychic consultant since 1992 and her clients include people from all walks of life and diverse cultures. She has been featured in a variety of publications including The Asian Wall Street Journal, South China Morning Post, Hong Kong Standard, HK Magazine and others, and has appeared on CNBC as well as local television and radio. See less
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