Shannon Riggs
Shannon Riggs has worked in a variety of higher education roles since 2001 and currently serves in an executive leadership position in the distance education division of a large, public, R1 land grant university. Riggs is active nationally in the field of online education and is known for her commitment to quality and passion for supporting faculty. Riggs regularly presents at conferences and has written for publication about online course development, faculty development, leadership, and...See more
Shannon Riggs has worked in a variety of higher education roles since 2001 and currently serves in an executive leadership position in the distance education division of a large, public, R1 land grant university. Riggs is active nationally in the field of online education and is known for her commitment to quality and passion for supporting faculty. Riggs regularly presents at conferences and has written for publication about online course development, faculty development, leadership, and innovation. She is currently serving a three-year elected position for the Quality Matters (QM) Instructional Design Association, a three-year elected position for the QM Academic Advisory Committee, and a three-year elected position on the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education Cooperative for Educational Technologies (WCET) Steering Committee. Dr. Katie Linder is currently the executive director for program development at Kansas State University Global Campus. Previously, she directed the award-winning Ecampus Research Unit at Oregon State University. Katie is also a Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation. Katie is an avid writer and researcher with a passion for process and peeking behind the scenes at what it takes to be a successful academic. For the past several years, her work has focused on blended course design best practices, institutional supports for accessible online learning, and research literacy for scholarship of teaching and learning practitioners and distance education stakeholders. She speaks on topics related to writing and publication; creativity and productivity; self-promotion and personal branding; and teaching and learning with technology.Her latest works include Going Alt-Ac: A Guide to Alternative Academic Careers (Stylus, 2020; co-authored with Kevin Kelly and Tom Tobin), Managing Your Professional Identity Online: A Guide for Faculty, Staff, and Administrators (Stylus, 2018), High-Impact Practices in Online Educ See less
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