Sarah J. Hodder
Sarah J Hodder began her career as a production manager for Shire Publications, a unique niche publisher that introduced her to an eclectic mix of subjects and encouraged her already well-founded love of books. After leaving Shire to raise her daughter, she was able to explore and develop her passion for history, particularly medieval and Tudor. Her focus is very much on social history and family relationships and she writes mainly on the lives of women during this period. Sarah is the author...See more
Sarah J Hodder began her career as a production manager for Shire Publications, a unique niche publisher that introduced her to an eclectic mix of subjects and encouraged her already well-founded love of books. After leaving Shire to raise her daughter, she was able to explore and develop her passion for history, particularly medieval and Tudor. Her focus is very much on social history and family relationships and she writes mainly on the lives of women during this period. Sarah is the author of The Queen's Sisters (Chronos Books, 2020), The York Princesses (Chronos Books, 2021) and Cecily-Bonville-Grey, Marchioness of Dorset (Chronos Books, 2022). See less
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