Sam Goldstein, PH.D.
Sam Goldstein, Ph.D ., is a psychologist with areas of study in school psychology, child development, and neuropsychology. He is licensed as a psychologist and certified as a developmental disabilities evaluator in the State of Utah. He is a Board-Certified Pediatric Neuropsychologist, Fellow in the National Academy of Neuropsychology and American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine. Dr. Goldstein is an Assistant Clinical Instructor in the Department of Psychiatry. Since 1980,...See more
Sam Goldstein, Ph.D ., is a psychologist with areas of study in school psychology, child development, and neuropsychology. He is licensed as a psychologist and certified as a developmental disabilities evaluator in the State of Utah. He is a Board-Certified Pediatric Neuropsychologist, Fellow in the National Academy of Neuropsychology and American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine. Dr. Goldstein is an Assistant Clinical Instructor in the Department of Psychiatry. Since 1980, Dr. Goldstein has worked in a private practice setting as the director of a multidisciplinary team, providing evaluation, case management, and treatment services for children and adults with histories of neurological disease and trauma, learning disability, adjustment difficulties, and attention deficit disorder. Dr. Goldstein is on staff at the University Neuropsychiatric Institute. He has served as a member of the Children's Hospital Craniofacial Team and has also been a member of the Developmental Disabilities Clinic in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Utah Medical School. Dr. Goldstein has authored, co-authored, or edited 50 clinical and trade publications, including 21 textbooks dealing with managing children's behavior in the classroom, genetics, resilience, intelligence, executive functioning, attention disorder and adult learning disabilities. With Barbara Ingersoll he has co-authored books dealing with controversial treatments for children's learning and attention problems and childhood depression. With Anne Teeter Ellison, he has authored Clinician's Guide to Adult ADHD: Assessment and Intervention . With Nancy Mather, he has completed four volumes for teachers and parents concerning behavioral and educational issues. With Michael Goldstein he has completed two text books on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. He has edited three text books with Cecil Reynolds on neurodevelopmental and genetic disorders in children and adults. With Robert Brooks, he has authored 14 volumes including, Handbook of Resilience in Children , Understanding and Managing Children's Classroom Behavior - 2 nd Edition , Raising Resilient Children , Nurturing Resilience in Our Children , Seven Steps to Help Children Worry Less , Seven Steps to Anger Management, The Power of Resilience, Raising a Self-Disciplined Child, Tenacity in Children and Raising Resilient Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders . With Jack Naglieri and Sally Ozonoff, he has authored several books on autism, assessment of Intelligence, and executive functioning. He has co-authored a parent training program and is currently completing several additional volumes on resilience and genetics. Dr. Goldstein is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Attention Disorders and serves on seven Editorial Boards. He is also the Co-Editor of the Encyclopedia of Child Development and Behavior . With Jack Naglieri, Dr. Goldstein is the co-author of the Autism Spectrum Rating Scales, Comprehensive Executive Functioning Inventory, Rating Scales of Impairment and the Cognitive Assessment System - 2 nd Edition. With David Herzberg he is the co-author of the Risk Inventory and Strengths Evaluation. See less