Ruvim Kharitonenko
Ruvim Kharitonenko is currently 19 years old. He began to write books in 2019 when he had a lot of free time. After doing schoolwork, he would often work on writing some type of book or working on a sermon. Books can be found on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, Tales, Google Books, and more coming soon! ALL glory and praise be to God! Ruvim's motive for writing these books was not to make money, get fame, or "act smart". He did it purely to encourage others and to share what God put on his heart...See more
Ruvim Kharitonenko is currently 19 years old. He began to write books in 2019 when he had a lot of free time. After doing schoolwork, he would often work on writing some type of book or working on a sermon. Books can be found on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, Tales, Google Books, and more coming soon! ALL glory and praise be to God! Ruvim's motive for writing these books was not to make money, get fame, or "act smart". He did it purely to encourage others and to share what God put on his heart. God bless every single person who decides to purchase and read his book/s. See less
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