Ruth Teakle
Ruth Teakle lives with her husband, Carl, in Grimsby, Ontario. Her life is a diverse weave of joy-filled grandparenting, teaching, pastoring, trauma healing ministry, and writing. Ruth consistently demonstrates a transparent and passionate love for people. With her wisdom, ingenuity, and love for laughter, Ruth is a cheerleader for others on their spiritual journeys. In her free time, she'll take on the riskiest of competitors in mind or board games and usually finds a way to win!
Ruth Teakle lives with her husband, Carl, in Grimsby, Ontario. Her life is a diverse weave of joy-filled grandparenting, teaching, pastoring, trauma healing ministry, and writing. Ruth consistently demonstrates a transparent and passionate love for people. With her wisdom, ingenuity, and love for laughter, Ruth is a cheerleader for others on their spiritual journeys. In her free time, she'll take on the riskiest of competitors in mind or board games and usually finds a way to win! See less