All Draughtsmen's Assistant, or, Drawing Made Easy: Wherein the Principles of That Art Are Rendered Familiar in Ten Instructive Lessons Comprised Under the Following Heads: L. Features and Limbs, 2. Profiles and Ovals, 3. Whole Figures, 4. Drapery, ...
by Carington 1724-1793 Bowles, Robert 1725-1794 Sayer, John Printseller Bennett (Creator)
Geographia Antiqua Delineata; or, Antient Geography, Exhibited in a Set of Thirty-one Maps Comprehending All the Several States of Greece, and the Numerous Parts of the Roman Empire, Contained in the Greek and Latin Classics ... to Which is Added, A...
by Solomon D Ca 1768 Bolton (Creator), Thomas D 1771 Jefferys (Creator), Robert Sayer and John Bennett (Firm) (Creator)