STEPHEN S. ROACH has been a thought leader on Wall Street for over thirty years. He is currently a member of the faculty of Yale University and Non-Executive Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia. For the bulk of his career, he served as Morgan Stanley's chief economist, heading up a highly regarded team of economists around the world. His recent research on globalization, the emergence of China and India, trade policy, and the capital market implications of global imbalances has appeared widely in...See more
STEPHEN S. ROACH has been a thought leader on Wall Street for over thirty years. He is currently a member of the faculty of Yale University and Non-Executive Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia. For the bulk of his career, he served as Morgan Stanley's chief economist, heading up a highly regarded team of economists around the world. His recent research on globalization, the emergence of China and India, trade policy, and the capital market implications of global imbalances has appeared widely in the international media and in testimony before the U.S. Congress. Prior to joining Morgan Stanley in 1982, he worked in senior capacities at Morgan Guaranty Trust Company and the Federal Reserve Board in Washington D.C. He holds a PhD in economics from New York University and was a research fellow at the Brookings Institution. He is currently recovering from chronic jet lag syndrome after having logged 1.2 million air miles during his recent three-year stint as Hong Kong-based Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia. See less
Roach book reviews
Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers
Bought Three Copies
by Dean S, Jul 19, 2013
I picked up one for my daughter, who works in a hospital, one for myself, and one for a friend. The friend finished it first and was a bit grossed out by the last few chapters.
It is a grim ... Read More
The Memoir Project: A Thoroughly Non-Standardized Text for Writing & Life
A delightful read
Sprightly,informative, extremely helpful. I laughed out loud at several spots and savored her spare, disciplined writing throughout. Read More
The Diamond Cutter: The Buddha on Managing Your Business and Your Life
Universal laws at your disposal
by Mike V, Aug 18, 2011
A must read for those who wan to enjoy prosperity as natures gift. Read More