Prasanna Kumar Mishra
"People, Events and Governance" is a collection of short pieces of writing by Prasanna Kumar Mishra, former Civil Servant, who served in various positions in both Government of Odisha and Government of India. He retired in 2004 as Secretary to Government of India.The Book reflects his thoughts about and reactions to events, both small and big, about people, both known and unknown and how government functions and reacts to situations. Writing on the role of a Teacher, he says, "A successful...See more
"People, Events and Governance" is a collection of short pieces of writing by Prasanna Kumar Mishra, former Civil Servant, who served in various positions in both Government of Odisha and Government of India. He retired in 2004 as Secretary to Government of India.The Book reflects his thoughts about and reactions to events, both small and big, about people, both known and unknown and how government functions and reacts to situations. Writing on the role of a Teacher, he says, "A successful teacher, I was convinced, enhanced the inquisitiveness of the students and set the students on a quest. A teacher enabled and empowered a student to be on auto pilot mode." In a piece on Odisha's sharecroppers, he describes them as "children of a lesser God". On poor growth of tiny enterprises in Odisha, he writes," We need to ponder why while India exported Natural Honey worth Rs 634 crore (59,537 MT), Odisha's total Honey sales in 2019-20 was worth only Rs 12 lakhs."The author would not impose his thoughts. In one piece he writes, "I don't want you to agree, I want you to think." The Book seems to be very thoughtfully dedicated to "All those who realised they are citizens, not subjects". See less
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