Peter Thomson
P Thomson lives in Canberra, which most people mistake for the capital of Australia, and passes the time writing and telling stories to children. Authors always mention pets, so they have one dog and at least two possums. The books started with 'what would a world with sensible magic look like?' and went on from there - to lawyers dealing with magicians and trainee spies and sensible middle-aged ladies sorting out the uncanny. He can be reached at
P Thomson lives in Canberra, which most people mistake for the capital of Australia, and passes the time writing and telling stories to children. Authors always mention pets, so they have one dog and at least two possums. The books started with 'what would a world with sensible magic look like?' and went on from there - to lawyers dealing with magicians and trainee spies and sensible middle-aged ladies sorting out the uncanny. He can be reached at See less