Paolo Moreno
Paolo Moreno was born in Udine in 1934. A pupil of Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli in Rome and of Doro Levi in Athens, he was Director of the Institute of Archaeology at the University of Bari, where he founded the series entitled "Studi sull'antico" (1-7, Bari, 1975-85), then he became Professor of the History of Ancient Art at La Sapienza University, Rome. Since 1992 he has been Professor of Greek and Roman Art at the Universita di Roma Tre. Formerly on the editorial staff of the "Enciclopedia...See more
Paolo Moreno was born in Udine in 1934. A pupil of Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli in Rome and of Doro Levi in Athens, he was Director of the Institute of Archaeology at the University of Bari, where he founded the series entitled "Studi sull'antico" (1-7, Bari, 1975-85), then he became Professor of the History of Ancient Art at La Sapienza University, Rome. Since 1992 he has been Professor of Greek and Roman Art at the Universita di Roma Tre. Formerly on the editorial staff of the "Enciclopedia dell'arte antica" at the Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana, he has contributed to the" Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae," numerous journals in Italy and abroad and the series: "Fonti per la Storia dell'arte,"" Monumenti della Pittura antica scoperti in Italia,"" Storia e civilta dei Greci,"" I grandi Musei,"" Guide pratiche,"" Civilta del Mezzogiorno,"" Itinerari de l'Espresso,"" Saggi di Archeologia," "Grandi Libri," "Archivi di Arte antica." He has made an important contribution to the new direction in the history of ancient art with a continuous series of publications on fundamental themes: the links between the Severe style and Classicism ("I Bronzi di Riace," "Il Maestro di Olimpia e i Sette a Tebe," Milan, 1998; "Les Bronzes de Riace," Paris, 1998; "La bellezza classica," "Guida al piacere dell'antico," Turin, 2001); the original paintings found in Macedonia ("Pittura greca, Da Polignoto ad Apelle," Milan, 1987; "Pintura Griega," Madrid, 1988; "Elementi di pittura ellenistica," Rome, 1998); the greatest Greek bronze sculptor, Lysippus ("Testimonianze per la teoria artistica di Lisippo," Treviso, 1973; "Lisippo," Bari, 1974; "Vita e arte di Lisippo," Milan, 1987; "Lisippo, L'arte e la fortuna," exhibition catalogue, Milan, 1995); the most famous Greek painter, Apelles ("Apelle, La Battaglia di Alessandro," Milan, 2000); an analysis of a complex period ("Scultura ellenistica," I-II, Rome, 1994); the transition to Imperial art ("Sabato in museo, Letture di arte ellenistica e romana," Milan, 1999); an overview from the Geometric period to Late Antiquity, in "Arte, Storia universale," Milan, 1997 (also published in installments by the newspaper "La Repubblica," 1997: "Arte, Enciclopedia universale"); observations on those responsible for creating the present archaeological collection at the Galleria Borghese in Rome (in "Galleria Borghese," Milan, 2000, Eng. ed. "The Borghese Gallery"). See less