Nicoletta Stame
Nicoletta Stame, sociologist, with an MA from SUNY Binghamton, she has taught at Paris X, Messina, Bari; Professor at Sapienza University of Roma until 2010. Presently, she is vice-President of A Colorni-Hirschman International Institute. She is interested in democratic policies of development, particularly in the Mezzogiorno, also from the perspective of their evaluation that she approaches through a "possibilist" lens.
Nicoletta Stame, sociologist, with an MA from SUNY Binghamton, she has taught at Paris X, Messina, Bari; Professor at Sapienza University of Roma until 2010. Presently, she is vice-President of A Colorni-Hirschman International Institute. She is interested in democratic policies of development, particularly in the Mezzogiorno, also from the perspective of their evaluation that she approaches through a "possibilist" lens. See less