Mike Inglis
Mike Inglis was born in Wales in Great Britain, but now lives and works in the United States, wherehe is Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the State University of New York. He is a Fellow ofthe Royal Astronomical Society, a NASA Solar System Ambassador, a Member of the RoyalInstitution, and a Member of the British Astronomical Association. He is the author of many booksand research papers including A Field Guide to Deep Sky Objects (Springer, 2012, 2nd edition), AnObserver's Guide to...See more
Mike Inglis was born in Wales in Great Britain, but now lives and works in the United States, wherehe is Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the State University of New York. He is a Fellow ofthe Royal Astronomical Society, a NASA Solar System Ambassador, a Member of the RoyalInstitution, and a Member of the British Astronomical Association. He is the author of many booksand research papers including A Field Guide to Deep Sky Objects (Springer, 2012, 2nd edition), AnObserver's Guide to Stellar Evolution (Springer, 2003), Astronomy of the Milky Way, Vol. I - TheNorthern Sky (Springer, 2016), Astronomy of the Milky Way, Vol. II - The Southern Sky (Springer, 2018), An Observer's Guide to Star Clusters (Springer 2013), and Astrophysics is Easy! (Springer, 2015, 2nd edition). He is a series editor for several Springer book series for both amateur and professionalastronomers, as wellas a teacher of undergraduate and graduate students in astrophysics.Although a professional astronomer, he is also a lifelong amateur astronomer and observes thenight sky around the world, whenever time, and the sky, permit. See less