Maynard Solomon
Maynard Solomon is a leading authority on Beethoven, the author of four books on the composer and of Mozart: A Life. His Beethoven Essays received the Kinkeldey Award of the American Musicological Society for the most distinguished book of the year. Solomon has taught at Columbia, Harvard, and Yale Universities and is on the graduate faculty of the Juilliard School. He is also an advisor to the Beethoven Archive in Bonn.
Maynard Solomon is a leading authority on Beethoven, the author of four books on the composer and of Mozart: A Life. His Beethoven Essays received the Kinkeldey Award of the American Musicological Society for the most distinguished book of the year. Solomon has taught at Columbia, Harvard, and Yale Universities and is on the graduate faculty of the Juilliard School. He is also an advisor to the Beethoven Archive in Bonn. See less
Maynard Solomon's Featured Books
Maynard Solomon book reviews
The Immortal Composer
This is the second edition of Solomon's biography of Beethoven and it is an improvement in terms of both analysis and lucidity.
The book is written from a psychoanalytic point of view that all may ... Read More
Mozart: A Life
Contains insights, but also annoys
by ghmus7, May 24, 2008
Manyard Solomon's works on Beethoven, Schubert, Ives and Mozart have led many to proclaim his as "the leading musicologist/biographer of our time'"
As a reader, there is much delight in discovering ... Read More
Beethoven...The Man!
I've learned so much about this great composer,thanks to Maynard Solomon...the author of the book..."Beethoven".
He's really helped me understand what made Beethoven he delves into the ... Read More