Matthew G Foley
Matthew Foley has a Master of Education Degree and is a licensed professional counsellor in private practice who works with families of children diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, Attention Deficit Disorder and learning disabilities. DeAnn Hyatt-Foley and Matthew G. Foley have co-authored several articles and have presented lectures on how to advocate for children's services. They currently live in Texas with their adolescent son, Ryan.
Matthew Foley has a Master of Education Degree and is a licensed professional counsellor in private practice who works with families of children diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, Attention Deficit Disorder and learning disabilities. DeAnn Hyatt-Foley and Matthew G. Foley have co-authored several articles and have presented lectures on how to advocate for children's services. They currently live in Texas with their adolescent son, Ryan. See less
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