Mark Alexander Jackson
Mark Alexander Jackson has lived in Bradford for over thirty years but was born and raised in Wharfedale. Along with his trusty Jack Russell Tallulah (Lou) Parson, he likes to walk and amble amongst the rich and varied history of West Yorkshire. He just happens to write about it as well. "Is it a blessing or a curse to be born with a vivid imagination? I dunno baby but it sure is a lot of fun finding out"......Sir Titus Salt speech (Saltaire, West Yorks, grand banquet on his 50th birthday, 20...See more
Mark Alexander Jackson has lived in Bradford for over thirty years but was born and raised in Wharfedale. Along with his trusty Jack Russell Tallulah (Lou) Parson, he likes to walk and amble amongst the rich and varied history of West Yorkshire. He just happens to write about it as well. "Is it a blessing or a curse to be born with a vivid imagination? I dunno baby but it sure is a lot of fun finding out"......Sir Titus Salt speech (Saltaire, West Yorks, grand banquet on his 50th birthday, 20 September 1853) See less
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