Margaret R Miles
Margaret R. Miles is emerita professor of historical theology at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California. Her books include Reading Augustine on Memory, Marriage, Tears, and Meditation (2021), The Long Goodbye (2017), Augustine and the Fundamentalist's Daughter (2011), A Complex Delight: The Secularization of the Breast, 1350-1750 (2008), and The Word Made Flesh: A History of Christian Thought (2005).
Margaret R. Miles is emerita professor of historical theology at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California. Her books include Reading Augustine on Memory, Marriage, Tears, and Meditation (2021), The Long Goodbye (2017), Augustine and the Fundamentalist's Daughter (2011), A Complex Delight: The Secularization of the Breast, 1350-1750 (2008), and The Word Made Flesh: A History of Christian Thought (2005). See less