Margaret Nelson
Margaret Nelson loves watching Westerns on TV. As a teenager Margaret devoured Western paperbacks by Zane Grey, Max Brand and more. She has a large bookshelf filled with Westerns including Louis Lamour. Margaret has researched magazines like True West, New Mexico Magazine, and others. In 2003 she took a vacation to Albuquerque, New Mexico, which gave her a better sense of Western geography. Blood and Shadow is based on a fictionalized area very close to that historic area.
Margaret Nelson loves watching Westerns on TV. As a teenager Margaret devoured Western paperbacks by Zane Grey, Max Brand and more. She has a large bookshelf filled with Westerns including Louis Lamour. Margaret has researched magazines like True West, New Mexico Magazine, and others. In 2003 she took a vacation to Albuquerque, New Mexico, which gave her a better sense of Western geography. Blood and Shadow is based on a fictionalized area very close to that historic area. See less