Louis A Pagliaro
About the Authors: Louis A. Pagliaro, MS, PharmD, PhD, FABMP, FPPR, formerly professor of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, is professor of pharmacopsychology and a chartered psychologist specializing in the treatment of patients with dual diagnoses. Ann Marie Pagliaro, BSN, MSN, PhD candidate, FPPR, is professor of nursing and director of the Substance Abusology and Clinical Pharmacology Research Group. Both have been at the University of Alberta since 1977. They have published,...See more
About the Authors: Louis A. Pagliaro, MS, PharmD, PhD, FABMP, FPPR, formerly professor of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, is professor of pharmacopsychology and a chartered psychologist specializing in the treatment of patients with dual diagnoses. Ann Marie Pagliaro, BSN, MSN, PhD candidate, FPPR, is professor of nursing and director of the Substance Abusology and Clinical Pharmacology Research Group. Both have been at the University of Alberta since 1977. They have published, collaboratively and individually, more than 300 professional review and research articles and several invited chapters on drug and substance abuse. In addition to consulting for many public and private organizations, they have presented numerous workshops on pharmacotherapeutics and drug and substance abuse. This is their 13th textbook. See less