Lingo is a British game show that first aired in May 1988. In 2021, hosted by Adil Ray OBE, ITV brought Lingo back to our television screens with a bang, it's highest viewing figures a whopping 1.9 million - the best launch of a game show in a 3pm slot since 2002. The show has now launched its own primetime spin off, Celebrity Lingo hosted by the inimitable Emmy award winning US entertainer RuPaul Charles where famous faces go head-to-head in a battle of words. The Lingo Puzzle Book is the very...See more
Lingo is a British game show that first aired in May 1988. In 2021, hosted by Adil Ray OBE, ITV brought Lingo back to our television screens with a bang, it's highest viewing figures a whopping 1.9 million - the best launch of a game show in a 3pm slot since 2002. The show has now launched its own primetime spin off, Celebrity Lingo hosted by the inimitable Emmy award winning US entertainer RuPaul Charles where famous faces go head-to-head in a battle of words. The Lingo Puzzle Book is the very first official book. See less