Librairie Larousse
Librairie Larousse's Gastronomic Committee includes scores of writers, researchers, editors, photographers, illustrators, and translators who make Larousse Gastronomique the world's most authoritative culinary reference book. The committee's president is world-renowned chef and author Jo'l Robuchon. The author of the first edition of Larousse Gastronomique , published in 1938, was French chef Prosper Montagn� (1865--1948).
Librairie Larousse's Gastronomic Committee includes scores of writers, researchers, editors, photographers, illustrators, and translators who make Larousse Gastronomique the world's most authoritative culinary reference book. The committee's president is world-renowned chef and author Jo'l Robuchon. The author of the first edition of Larousse Gastronomique , published in 1938, was French chef Prosper Montagn� (1865--1948). See less
Librairie Larousse's Featured Books
Librairie Larousse book reviews
Larousse Gastronomique: The World's Greatest Culinary Encyclopedia
only for the devoted chef
by Sandy, Aug 7, 2011
This was purchased for my son who is in the restaurant business. It is an older version but just what he wanted and needed. Read More
Larousse Gastronomique: The World's Greatest Culinary Encyclopedia
Great Book
I would highly recommend the book for folks who love to cook. Read More