Lhoussaine Alla
Lhoussaine Alla is a professor in management sciences at the National School of Applied Sciences, researcher at the LAREMEF laboratory, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco. He is a permanent professor of various marketing management modules at Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University in Fez (Morocco) and in several public and private business graduate schools. He is an accredited professional expert in the fields of Training Engineering, Professional Coaching and Mentoring young...See more
Lhoussaine Alla is a professor in management sciences at the National School of Applied Sciences, researcher at the LAREMEF laboratory, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco. He is a permanent professor of various marketing management modules at Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University in Fez (Morocco) and in several public and private business graduate schools. He is an accredited professional expert in the fields of Training Engineering, Professional Coaching and Mentoring young entrepreneurs. After a PhD thesis on creating value for the customer and its impact on the overall performance of companies, Prof. Lhoussaine Alla invested more in scientific research in marketing, through various scientific contributions in the form of participation in international conferences and symposia and scientific publications, in various themes inherent to Marketing (customer value creation, customer behaviour, e-marketing, customer experience, sales performance, Marketing Data Analytics, territorial marketing, territorial attractiveness, territorial economic intelligence, ...), finance (stock market performance, financial analysts, financing package,...), entrepreneurship (entrepreneur profile, startups, entrepreneurial resilience,...), tourism (tourist attractiveness, visitor behaviour, tourism, performance of tourist destinations,...), logistics (SC, SCM, SSCM, Green SCM, logistics performance,...). Prof. Lhoussaine ALLA is also (co)editor of the e-book "Integrating intelligence and sustainability into supply chains. IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0225-5" and Publication Director of the scientific journal "Managerial and Economic Alternatives - AME", indexed on the IMIST portal, . Prof. Lhoussaine ALLA is also (co)coordinator of many scientific events devoted to marketing research. As much scientific and educational accumulation that the publisher aims to mobilize as potential to bring together researchers and imminent experts to share the fruits of their relevant and innovative research in implementation, supervision, evaluation, Mastery and reinvention of innovative solutions developed through Data Engineering and AI in Marketing. He is now co-editor of two collective works that will be published via IGI Global: 1. Applying Qualitative Research Methods to Science and Management. 2. Utilizing Technology to Manage Territories. Prof Lhoussaine is the coordinator of a team of young researchers, very dynamic and talented, with complementary profiles, creating a friendly space for high-level scientific research. See less