Lexi Kinney
Most comfortable in jeans and cowboy boots, Lexi Kinney is an LA city girl with a cowgirl's heart. Lexi has ten siblings, and is mother to five and granny to five. As the author of four picture books-Buckaroo Chuck, Little Rosie Rodeo, Animal Jax, and Little Joe Smileyhead-she draws her many life experiences to inspire children everywhere.
Most comfortable in jeans and cowboy boots, Lexi Kinney is an LA city girl with a cowgirl's heart. Lexi has ten siblings, and is mother to five and granny to five. As the author of four picture books-Buckaroo Chuck, Little Rosie Rodeo, Animal Jax, and Little Joe Smileyhead-she draws her many life experiences to inspire children everywhere. See less
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