Dr. Leslie Parrott
Dr. Leslie Parrott is a marriage and family therapist and coDr. Leslie Parrott is a marriage and family therapist and co-director with her husband, Dr. Les Parrott, of the Center f-director with her husband, Dr. Les Parrott, of the Center for Relationship Development at Seattle Pacific University. Sor Relationship Development at Seattle Pacific University. She is the author of First Drop of Rain and God Made You Nosehe is the author of First Drop of Rain and God Made You Nose to Toes, and co...See more
Dr. Leslie Parrott is a marriage and family therapist and coDr. Leslie Parrott is a marriage and family therapist and co-director with her husband, Dr. Les Parrott, of the Center f-director with her husband, Dr. Les Parrott, of the Center for Relationship Development at Seattle Pacific University. Sor Relationship Development at Seattle Pacific University. She is the author of First Drop of Rain and God Made You Nosehe is the author of First Drop of Rain and God Made You Nose to Toes, and co-author with her husband of several bestsell to Toes, and co-author with her husband of several bestselling books, including the Gold Medallion Award-winner Saving ing books, including the Gold Medallion Award-winner Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts. Leslie is a columnist for ToYour Marriage Before It Starts. Leslie is a columnist for Today's Christian Woman and has been featured on Oprah, CBS Thday's Christian Woman and has been featured on Oprah, CBS This Morning, CNN, and The View, and in USA Today and the New is Morning, CNN, and The View, and in USA Today and the New York Times. Leslie lives in Seattle with her husband and theYork Times. Leslie lives in Seattle with her husband and their two sons. www.RealRelationships.com ir two sons. www.RealRelationships.com See less