Lawrence W Sherman
Lawrence W. Sherman is a world-renowned criminologist whose work on the prediction of crime has revolutionized policing and criminal justice. As the founder of the new field of 'evidence-based policing', he has led the creation of new learned societies for that field in Britain, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. He has lectured on the use of prediction and prevention of crime to governments in over thirty countries, and is widely known for his proposals to base better prevention of...See more
Lawrence W. Sherman is a world-renowned criminologist whose work on the prediction of crime has revolutionized policing and criminal justice. As the founder of the new field of 'evidence-based policing', he has led the creation of new learned societies for that field in Britain, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. He has lectured on the use of prediction and prevention of crime to governments in over thirty countries, and is widely known for his proposals to base better prevention of violence on better prediction, from the under-identified 'hot spots' of crime to the over-prediction of serious offenders. See less
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