Kenneth Wain
Kenneth Wain is a philosophy professor with numerous academic publications, and a published poet and short-story writer in his country, Malta. K: The Letter Writer (Book One: Felice), a biographical novel, is the first of the kind he has written, and of a planned trilogy of novels featuring Franz Kafka's two other great loves, Milena and Dora. The writing of the trilogy, which fictionalizes the life of Franz Kafka ('K'), Franz in the novel, grew from years of close reading of Kafka's texts; his...See more
Kenneth Wain is a philosophy professor with numerous academic publications, and a published poet and short-story writer in his country, Malta. K: The Letter Writer (Book One: Felice), a biographical novel, is the first of the kind he has written, and of a planned trilogy of novels featuring Franz Kafka's two other great loves, Milena and Dora. The writing of the trilogy, which fictionalizes the life of Franz Kafka ('K'), Franz in the novel, grew from years of close reading of Kafka's texts; his novels, stories, diaries, letters etc., and from the biographical research of the author. See less