Judy Payne
Judy Payne is a happy, funny, opinionated, caring, understanding, insightful teacher, coach, writer, motivator, speaker, friend, and ticked-off advocate for women who struggle with weight issues. Judy lost 100+ pounds over 30 years ago and has kept it off and is now teaching other yo-yo dieters how to use her unique, proven 4-step approach to successful weight loss and permanent weight maintenance.
Judy Payne is a happy, funny, opinionated, caring, understanding, insightful teacher, coach, writer, motivator, speaker, friend, and ticked-off advocate for women who struggle with weight issues. Judy lost 100+ pounds over 30 years ago and has kept it off and is now teaching other yo-yo dieters how to use her unique, proven 4-step approach to successful weight loss and permanent weight maintenance. See less