Judy Celmins
Since they met over 30 years ago, Judy and Eriks Celmins have been a dynamic, innovative force. Blending their extensive experience and skill in sales, small-business management, and marketing strategy, research and execution, they are driven to be the best and to help others thrive, too. Judy and Eriks are the co-founders of ThriveableBiz, a New Zealand-based marketing consultancy for small businesses.
Since they met over 30 years ago, Judy and Eriks Celmins have been a dynamic, innovative force. Blending their extensive experience and skill in sales, small-business management, and marketing strategy, research and execution, they are driven to be the best and to help others thrive, too. Judy and Eriks are the co-founders of ThriveableBiz, a New Zealand-based marketing consultancy for small businesses. See less
Judy Celmins's Featured Books
Judy Celmins book reviews
Marketing = Customers + Heart: How to Build Your Small Business Growth Strategy
Literary Titan
by L.T., May 11, 2022
Marketing = Customers + Heart is a business, sales, and marketing reference book with comprehensive discussions and analysis on marketing, creativity, and growing a business. Authors Judy & Erik ... Read More