Juan-Luis Pulido-Begines
Juan-Luis Pulido-Begines is a Spanish citizen and has been a lecturer in the University of Cádiz since 1992, becoming a Full Senior Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Cádiz in 2007. He holds a Law Degree (1989) and a PhD in Law (1995) from the University of Cádiz, for which he received the outstanding doctorate award. He has authored more than sixty publications (monographies, articles in law reviews, contributions to collective books) on different subjects of Commercial Law ...See more
Juan-Luis Pulido-Begines is a Spanish citizen and has been a lecturer in the University of Cádiz since 1992, becoming a Full Senior Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Cádiz in 2007. He holds a Law Degree (1989) and a PhD in Law (1995) from the University of Cádiz, for which he received the outstanding doctorate award. He has authored more than sixty publications (monographies, articles in law reviews, contributions to collective books) on different subjects of Commercial Law (Company Law, Banking Law, Insurance Law, and mostly Maritime Law). These include the following monographs: Los contratos de remolque marítimo, Barcelona, 1996; El derecho de información del socio en la sociedad de responsabilidad limitada, Madrid, 1997; El derecho de información del accionista, Madrid, 1998; Seguro de mercancías y seguro de responsabilidad civil del porteador terrestre, Barcelona, 2001; Las averías y los accidentes de la navegación marítima y aérea, Madrid, 2003; La responsabilidad frente a terceros de las sociedades de clasificación de buques, Vitoria, 2006; Instituciones de Derecho de la navegación marítima, Madrid, 2009; El concepto de porteador efectivo en el Derecho uniforme del transporte, La transición incompleta, Madrid, 2012; Curso de Derecho de la navegación marítima, Madrid, 2015; and Cruise Ships Law, en Hamburg Lectures on Maritime Law 2011-2013, Hamburg, 2015. Prof. Pulido has been a speaker at numerous courses, masters, PhD courses, seminars and conferences in Spain and abroad and has been a visiting Professor at the Universities of Messina (Italy), La Habana (Cuba), and Gabriel René Moreno in Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia), among others. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the following journals: Anuario de Derecho Marítimo; Revista de Derecho del Transporte; Studia Iuridica Toruniensa and Diritto dei Trasporti. See less