John J Mullen
John J. Mullen, a native of Lowell, Massachusetts, spent his formative years growing up with his brother Ray until their lives took an unexpected turn in high school. Forced to relocate to Lawrence from their mother's involvement with her second husband, John found solace in sports as a means of escaping the chaos and abuse that plagued their home. At the age of 13, a neighbor took John to a Red Sox game, forever igniting his passion for the team.John has remained an unwavering and devoted fan...See more
John J. Mullen, a native of Lowell, Massachusetts, spent his formative years growing up with his brother Ray until their lives took an unexpected turn in high school. Forced to relocate to Lawrence from their mother's involvement with her second husband, John found solace in sports as a means of escaping the chaos and abuse that plagued their home. At the age of 13, a neighbor took John to a Red Sox game, forever igniting his passion for the team.John has remained an unwavering and devoted fan since, finding refuge and joy in the hallowed grounds of Fenway Park. See less