1. The Adventures and Discovrses of Captain John Smith, Sometime President of Virginia, and Admiral of New England, Newly Ordered By Iohn Ashton. With Illustrations Taken By Him From Original Sources
by Smith, John Captain (1580-1631)
Seller Description: 12mo., 18cm, xx, 309, [1], [8]p., publishers ads., frontis portrait and numerous text illustrations, in the original half brown fine grain morocco, blind ruled raised bands, gilt border and corner decorations in the panels, gilt titles, cross grain linen boards, t..e.g., text printed on heavy toned paper; facsimile edition with rubricated title page, fine binding in fine condition. (amp). Sabin 82859. John Smith was an English soldier, explorer and author. Referred to as Admiral of New England, ... See More Details
London, Paris, and NY. Printed and Published by Cassell & Co.. l883
J. Patrick McGahern Books, Inc
Ottawa, ON, CANADA