Jeffrey Weiss
Jeff Weiss is coauthor of I Am My Brother's Keeper: American Volunteers in Israel's War for Independence and Fighting Back: Stan Andrews and the Birth of the Israeli Air Force. He is featured in the 2014 Nancy Spielberg documentary Above and Beyond. In addition to a law degree, he holds Master's degrees in international law and in biotechnology. He is passionate about fitness and is an Ironman and ultramarathoner.
Jeff Weiss is coauthor of I Am My Brother's Keeper: American Volunteers in Israel's War for Independence and Fighting Back: Stan Andrews and the Birth of the Israeli Air Force. He is featured in the 2014 Nancy Spielberg documentary Above and Beyond. In addition to a law degree, he holds Master's degrees in international law and in biotechnology. He is passionate about fitness and is an Ironman and ultramarathoner. See less