Mosby's rangers a record of the operations of the Forty-third battalion Virginia cavalry, from its organization to the surrender, from the diary of a private, supplemented and varified with official reports of federal officers and also of Mosby ; with...
With the Sesquicentennial of the Civil War just a few months away, it's time to catch up on who's who and what's what. This book offers great detail about the history of the controversial Mosby ... Read More
Mosby's rangers a record of the operations of the Forty-third battalion Virginia cavalry, from its organization to the surrender, from the diary of a private, supplemented and varified with official reports of federal officers and also of Mosby ; with...
J. J. Williamson was one of Mosby's men, joining him in the spring of 1863. This book is well written and documented with the reports of the Confederate and Federal officers involved in the various ... Read More